
I made a deal with myself that this year i want to read more classic books and also to try and de-stress myself and try not to make myself ill with it like last year when i got to a point i was going dizzy. So right now i’m reading wuthering heights by emily bronte but the stress thing has not worked. Today i just spent the day with a upset tummy.

On monday it was a very slow day at work, Tuesday found out that the council have said no for getting liam into a special needs school so now we (school) are taking it to a tribunal, wednesday came to work to find out my hours have changed, Thursday and friday just hearing stuff about work. I know this is gonna sound bad and there be that one person who will be saying oh keys says this online but it would be nice just to have one week with no probs…not long till my week off and no phone on lol.

good news

i know this is gonna be a short blog but i just wanted to say to the people who have been reading about the blogs about my son and his learning probs for some years and the fights i have had to do with everyone….school have put in for a EHC (education, health and care report). we just need to wait now to see what comes back but i do hope we get the care he needs and maybe i might be able to get him into a special needs school.

what to do???

it was that time of the month when i go into school and have a meeting with the headmaster and school nurse. there is stuff i can’t say on the blog what is going on but liam has ALOT of probs.

but i will say this that liam has started to lie to people to a point i had a phone call last week because he told someone at school that i got hit by a car (don’t worry i haven’t) and that he is going to friends houses to watch horror films and he is not and he won’t stop talking about horror stuff ( he has never watched a horror film).  in my last meeting he told school he learned about the horror from roblox because used to play a game called the scary elevator but it was not a scary game and no-one even says there names on it so i do not understand how he learned the names and he told school that he has seen Saw ( he bloody has not) …so after that meeting i banned him from playing the scary elevator because of the horror movie thing but he was still going around telling people about it so i banned him from roblox but even when banned he has now going around saying hes going to friends houses.

if anyone can give me help how to stop this please help. i have banned him from xbox because of this but people are saying that is kind of wrong.. roblox is for children 7+ … liam is never playing this game again