
i feel like it’s about time i did a blog on this seeing that people are always asking me about it. I have been homeschooling my 8year old son since May 2019 and people love to ask why and what you do..

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learning starts at 9:30am….August we are only doing math,english,history and reading because of it being school 6 week holiday. Back to normal september.

The main subjects we do are math and english. The school liam used to go to told me that he was unteachable so they just left liam to his own (playing lego). I have had to start from age 3+ and now he is on +5 math and english. He is also using readingeggs ,mathseeds and just started on IXL on english. We do this every monday to friday morning to 12pm.

His reading is getting better…from when we started. We go the the library two times a month.

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We go on a trip out once a month.

Does art and craft with his nan.

For computer science he using edplace and reading (I’m reading) Horrible Science.

Liam was told he could not do history in school because he could not read or write (by a teacher). I have got him into the tv show Horrible Histories and also the books. Starting in september liam will be learning about egypt (for a month).

geography – he has learned about water and where it starts and ends (from the moors to the reservoir), earthquakes and next month volcanos.

every month Liam picks his own subject. last month it was Tanks

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and next month its age on games/films and copyright.


  1. do you need a Degree to teach – no
  2. does he still see people and go outside – yes
  3. is homeschooling hard – yes but seeing him learning makes you proud.
  4. do you have to pay for everything – yes.
  5. can you still work and homeschool – yes.
  6. does he have to do his gcse – only if you want to. He can do them in collage.
  7. why do you homeschool- he was getting badly bullied and school was not sticking to the EHCP  Education, Health and Care Plan. Main reason why >>

liam update

i think i need to give people a update on what is going on right now. well first i have some really good news.

i had a meeting with the homeschool and SEND officers. There happy with everything we are doing and even the homeschool officer took down the name’s of the websites i use to give to other parents. We also found out that liam is on HIGH priority on his EHCP (education health and care plan). The SEND officer was shocked that liam has not been tested for autism, ADHD and sensitivity but like i said i have been fighting for years but NHS just won’t help us. I’m still fighting to get liam into a special needs school but because the rule’s are getting harder to get into them schools there is a 100% liam will not get into one.

oh and the boy who went for my son’s face has been removed from the school.

finally done it

For some time now i have been wanting to do a online course but keep putting it off. Well today i finally signed up to do ABC awards Level 3 Autism Awareness . It feels so odd to be learning something but it feels so good to get my mind busy.

I have not done something like this in years. I did try to do a psychology course (think 2013) but sadly i was not very well and had a breakdown.