57374565_10217705642648917_8161853492210696192_n.jpgSorry for not blogging alot. As you can tell from my last blog my grandad passed away  and i’ve not been in the blogging mood.

yesterday i spent the day with my mom and dad oh and little sod. I was not really in the easter mood but was happy just to be with my family enjoying the sun.

i’ve also booked tickets to see DanTDM in Manchester. If you don’t know who he is go google. lol he’s my son hero and Liam is so happy to go see him live.

My course work is going ok but i have to admit i’m kind of behind but that’s only because of what’s going on in my life. i’m wanting to get the assessment 5 out the way soon and start 6.


At 9:26am yesterday my grandad passed on and went to heaven to see his mom and dad , friends and pets.

going to miss you so much grandad…never gonna forget you and the fun, bad jokes and chats we had. i love you and going to miss you xxxxx


i have to admit that this weekend has been ok.

on friday i got a text off the school nurse saying that she wants me to join the woman centre in town. long story short she wants me to make friends and help me with other probs.

saturday i spent the morning with my mum and liam. oh and i also got my hair cut mostly because it was going crazy and people just kept looking at me like i don’t brush it.

sunday has been chill.

lets hope next week will be good.