omg some people

to the person who thought it would be ok to report me to the school saying there worried i don’t take liam to school….IM A LONE PARENT WHO WORKS and it’s not like he’s walking to school on his own or he’s home alone…he stays at my mothers at night and my mother takes him up. school is not gonna report it because they know….

I was having a good day before being told this…

day 10

today i am making myself have a chill day. i’m just gonna sit and watch tv and maybe some cleaning.

i spent monday morning running around like a monkey. liam had a eye test and yes its good news. liam does not need to wear glasses anymore.

yesterday morning i spent 2hours waiting for my depo to be done and now my back hurts :(.


monday :O

  1. up at 3am thanks to my cat bitch slapping my face all because it wanted food.
  2. had to be at work for 4am-4:30am because i was the only cleaner in until the afternoon.
  3. liam school not open till 10am meaning i could not go home and sleep.
  4. he played up going to school.
  5. got home and did some cleaning.
  6. the gas guy came round at 2:30pm when i was about to go pick my son up.
  7. when he came in my cat got scared and ran out the door :O .
  8. took 20mins to find her but she ran right back in and hid in my room.
  9. picked liam up from school and found out he has been a pain in the butt all day.
  10. liam had to see a doctor at 3:50pm but hes got some lumpy dry skin on his face but everything ok.

and its only monday,

what a pleb

sometimes i wonder what people do in there life’s if they think its ok to try and pretend to not know you and be someone else (o.0).

when your a blogger with alot of sexy people who follow you sometimes you will get comments on old blogs from the passed. last week i got a comment what i didn’t find odd but after getting the 2nd one i thought hmmm something just does not add up. so at first i logged onto my blog by phone but after clicking on that i was not gonna find the info i wanted i had to log onto the old lappy. i logged into the edit comment part of wordpress and notice i had alot of pending comments (sorry lol) but after finding what i needed (email and IP) i was right to be suspicious. the person who was pretending to not know me was my ex (from 2016) what deleted me off facebook 2week ago. i have to admit i was abit peed off at first but then i just could not stop laughing because if your gonna stalk someone WHY USE YOUR OWN EMAIL AND IP FOOL. after getting myself back to normal i left a comment and since then i have not had a reply and also blocked his ass on facebook.

if you ever feel like something is not right about a comment or a follower please go have a look at the email and block them…i have blogged for a very long time and also have done a online course on wordpress so i do try and keep up to date on comment and followers blogs…. even if i had to some pending messages lol (3 only lol) and spam.