day 2

my 2nd day of my 2week holiday and for the first time in a long time i have just chilled with no stress and no probs.

yesterday was a different story. liam had to go see a development team. we left to get the 8:45am bus so we could go have something to eat in town for breakfast but the bloody  bus did not show up till 9:30am and we needed to be at the building at 10:30am. after he saw the team we ended up getting a burger and took him to school (back for 1pm).


monday :O

  1. up at 3am thanks to my cat bitch slapping my face all because it wanted food.
  2. had to be at work for 4am-4:30am because i was the only cleaner in until the afternoon.
  3. liam school not open till 10am meaning i could not go home and sleep.
  4. he played up going to school.
  5. got home and did some cleaning.
  6. the gas guy came round at 2:30pm when i was about to go pick my son up.
  7. when he came in my cat got scared and ran out the door :O .
  8. took 20mins to find her but she ran right back in and hid in my room.
  9. picked liam up from school and found out he has been a pain in the butt all day.
  10. liam had to see a doctor at 3:50pm but hes got some lumpy dry skin on his face but everything ok.

and its only monday,


whoop i can now tell you people a little bit about what has been going on. after the fun and games with school i had to have a behaviour nurse come round to my house. after a long chat she has turned around and said i do not have to see her again but like i said i bet she be back soon because everytime something goes wrong at school THEY ALWAYS BLAME HOME. i’m also post to be going onto a course about behaviour thanks to school.


from my last blog i told you sexy people about how my son had a bad day…well it has been a crazy bloody week. monday liam had a bad day (read last blog).

on wednesday i got a phone call saying liam has been fighting and is not listening (they lost control). when i went to pick him up the only thing school could do was say he was sleepy and he is not going to bed right. well i turned around and said he goes to bed at 7pm and right to sleep and was up at 7am. they soon changed it to oh it must be his diet (o_0).

got a phone call yesterday at 11am to be told liam has fallen over amd hurt his lip.

i went to pick liam up from school yesterday. soon as i went to the classroom i could see liam messing about. i just knew then that its gonna be bad news. soon as the doors open i got called into the classroom. liam was just laying on the floor but soon as he saw me he sat down. i had children coming up to me and telling me he had been hitting children. even a mother was having ago at the teacher because her child had been hit but there was no mark on the child. i sat down and had a chat with the teacher to find out liam had NO one to one and he would not listen to her. i was not happy with liam but i’m not also happy with the school because he should’ve had one to one.

what do they want me to do? i can see it ending up with me going to school and watching him.